The Drawing of Reinforced Concrete

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Dxf Total Converter is a very useful tool.

The module converts any DXF or DWG, it is particularly adapt to transform the outputs of all calculation programs, into Auto_C.A. drawings, with several advantages:  

  1. The dxf gets transformed, with a simple click, into a drawing with high quality lay-out and graphic. 
  2. Whole drawing conversion, not just single schemes.
  3. Possibility to complete the drawing with sections and details. 
  4. Sequential reinforcement positions and coordinate numeration.
  5. Bars Lists and computes immediatly available.
  6. Drawings conversion to any selected scale.
  7. Application of all preferred styles and preferences, in one step.
  8. The module is able to interpret even drawings with geometry out of scale and bring them back to full scale geometries.

List of italian softwares currently converted:

CDS Win, CMP, Edilus, IperSpace, MasterSAP, Modest, ProSAP, SismiCAD.


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